Why is Our Society so Sick?

by Hilde Larsen May 16, 2018 from WakeUpWorld Website As someone who suffered from long term chronic illness, I found that looking for health became much easier once I understood why I was sick... When I realized what I had been doing to myself, it became crystal clear to me why I was suffering. While everything is perfect in nature, …

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How the Globalism Con-Game Leads to a ‘New World Order’

by Brandon Smith 25 April 2018 from Alt-Market Website This article touches on some important points, but has no awareness of 'Technocracy,' aka 'Sustainable Development,' as the real driver behind globalization. The New World Order is aptly described by Dr. Parag Khanna (a Technocrat) in Connectography: "We are building this global society without a global leader. Global order …

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Baking Soda – An Inexpensive Treatment Aid Autoimmune Diseases like Arthritis

by Joseph Mercola May 07, 2018 from Mercola Website Spanish version Story at-a-glance Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3) has a number of medicinal uses and benefits. It’s commonly known to have alkalinizing, antacid and electrolyte replacement properties Studies have shown drinking baking soda solution can help pregnant women who are having a slow or difficult labor to …

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